[Click to read an excerpt from Chaise.]

Praise for Becci Noblit Goodall:

“Beautiful and jarring. Precise and moving. Not a sentence, not a word is wasted. Chaise is so tight and powerful that all one can do is wish for more.”
                                                                        —David LaBounty, The Trinity

“Brilliant and heartbreaking. Courageous and unapologetic. With Chaise, Goodall situates herself firmly and deservedly among a select group of authors whose writing is a direct assault on those who are content to live only along life’s surface.”
                        —Paul Hughes, Broken: A Plague Journal


O F F E N S E | M E C H A N I S M S
   fiction from the bleed


by Becci Noblit Goodall

[Click to read an excerpt from Chaise.]

“I resolve to sit down on my couch and never get up. Please don’t call.”

Overwhelmed with the endless brainwashing advertisements and memes that society has pumped into her psyche since childhood, a woman sits down on her couch and doesn’t get up for years. What is real? What is normal? Is it possible to have a single original thought? Rather than accepting her mental break as something that must be fixed, she embraces the moment and refuses to go outside until she is ready—which may be never.

In recorded conversations with herself that are mailed off to her therapist, her growing obsession with her couch is revealed as it expands to encompass not only her entire apartment but also the condo next door. Cut off from the outside world, she picks through the hypocrisy of her life and tries to make sense of the moments that brought her to this place of self-imposed invalidism.

Chaise, the debut novel from Becci Noblit Goodall, is a meditative indictment of the modern world.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Becci Noblit Goodall lives on the top of a ridge in Central Pennsylvania with her two children. She has been published in numerous poetry magazines and freelance venues. Goodall is the editor of the workshop forum Megan’s Closet and The Misfit Literati, a reader’s guide to indie publishers, writers, and artists. Her next novel, Megan’s Closet, will be published by Silverthought Press as part of the pulp speculative fiction collaboration night.blind.

by Becci Noblit Goodall
Publisher: Offense Mechanisms
ISBN-10: 0-9774110-6-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-9774110-6-1
180 pages
paperback: $10.95 $12.95 + S/H

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