Michael Gold is a freelance writer who has lived in three boroughs of New York City over the last 25 yearsBrooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens. He has two bachelor's degrees, one in political science from Binghamton University in Upstate New York, and one in journalism from the University of Oregon. He lives with his wife and daughter in Forest Hills, Queens.
Early in his career, he delivered newspapers, washed dishes, filled sandbags, made auto transmission kits, and worked on an assembly line loading glass tomato sauce jars. He later became a reporter, writing for small-town newspapers and industrial and specialized business magazines. He has written public relations and sales materials for computer, graphic arts, and industrial com-panies.
One of his major causes is to eliminate the letter "P" from the alphabet.
hasn't been making much progress, but still longs for the day when humankind
can be rid of the power and predominance of "P."
independent publisher of speculative fiction
novel in stories
by Michael Gold
The Weirdness swirls around Harold Schreiber and his family like snakes made of black mist. Where it comes from is unknown, but what it is doing is clearits eating away at the woodwork of this mans life.
During his childhood, Harold's mother is more concerned with her garden club than with raising her two sons. His father is a silent lump of rage. His brother Derek is damaged to the edge of psychosis, and possibly beyond. Decades later, the neighborhood is going to hell. A visit to an abandoned mansion reveals two impossible men whose response to being discovered is not kind. Harold's sons are filled with inexplicable furyand Halloween candy. A giant sea beast strikes at people on the beach where the Schreiber family is trying to vacation, and his wife is accused of murder. A steroid-addled colleague turns violent in health clubs and on the road. An old man is hit by an SUV on the big boulevard running through town and turns into an otherworldly being that may or may not be attacking drivers.
Any other man might try to crawl into a hole and hide. His wife suggests he call the police when trouble comes. Harold is having none of it. Hes got problems. His family, his neighborhood, and his bowling alley are under attack. He doesnt think much about what to do, he just wades into fights with his fists held high and takes whoever happens to be around into battle against the demons lurking in the streets. Voices are calling out to Harold to join the chaos of the neighborhood, to take part in the pure wanton joy of destruction. He cant do it. Somebody has to fight back, to put some order into things. Somewhere in the core of his being, he believes that he is the man to do it, even if his name is Schreiber.
Horror House Detective, a novel in stories by Michael Gold, is the tale of a hard working family man besieged on all sides by The Weirdnessand he's sure as hell not going to run away from the fight.
Horror House Detective will be released in August 2009. For a limited time, Silverthought is offering pre-order sales of Horror House Detective for $10.99. Orders will ship to pre-release customers in August 2009. Reserve your copy today, and be sure to check back for updates.
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