David LaBounty has held jobs as a miner, a mechanic, a reporter and a salesman. His work has appeared in Rattle, the Los Angeles Review, Night Train, the New Plains Review, Booth, and several other journals. He has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and other literary awards. He is the author of the novel Affluenza. He lives in Michigan.


S I L V E R T H O U G H T  P R E S S
   independent publisher of speculative fiction


moon chalk
the poetry of

David LaBounty

read excerpt: excerpt 01

"Some of LaBounty's poems cling to the edge of the page like someone peering off the roof of a tall building. Others take a few steps across, but only a few, which seems appropriate to the difficulties of their subject, the end of a marriage. Either way, this book is worth your time. For its delicacy, for its gentle humor. And, in the end, for its grace."
—Lola Haskins, The Grace to Leave

"When I read David LaBounty's poems life slows down and I am reminded to hold the weight and strength of every word. moon chalk is a meditative collection on the stark, disturbing, beautiful and even humorous moments in life. A must read for those of us that need a gentle push towards remembering the undeniable struggle and grace of life."
—Stefanie Wielkopolan, Border Theory

"The rooms of these poems easily allow one to enter, then the quiet grace of the rhythm enters your blood and you are inside the skin of the world made human and accessible. David LaBounty is an assured singer and his tunes are profoundly accessible, reverberating, ultimately haunting with love, yearning, memory, hope, and yes... much much music."
—Scott Wannberg, Strange Movie Full of Death

I only care about my sons,

how they are fruit

in a garden full

of misunderstood leaves 

Lyrical and reflective and painfully honest, David LaBounty's debut collection is an exploration of faith, love, fatherhood, and fidelity all weaved around a series of poems dealing with life, parenting, and the wake of a changing family.

Elm Ridge Books, an imprint of Silverthought Press, is proud to present moon chalk by David LaBounty, available December 2011.

moon chalk
the poetry of David LaBounty

Publisher: Elm Ridge Books
ISBN: 978-0-9841738-6-0
128 pages
trade paperback:
$9.99 + S/H



To order moon chalk via PayPal, click below:

To order moon chalk by check or money order, send $9.99 + $5.00 S/H ($14.99) to:

Silverthought Press
ATTN: Paul Hughes
PO Box 72
Evans Mills, NY 13637

Check/money orders should be made payable to PAUL HUGHES or SILVERTHOUGHT PRESS.

Publisher agrees to fulfill pre-orders upon publication of book, currently scheduled for late November/early December 2011. If unforeseen production delays arise, publisher will inform pre-order customers of new ship dates. Pre-order price will remain in effect only until official release of book, at which time all new orders are subject to full retail price plus shipping/handling costs. NY residents subject to NYS sales tax. Wholesale discounts available for purchases of 10+ copies. Email editor@silverthought.com for details.










































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