June 2009 update of Silverthought Online features the second chapters
of the serials Mr. Head by Michael Gold and The Cowboy
Trilogy by Thomas Henry Dylan along with new short fiction
from ST's Mark R. Brand, who took time from his recent adventures
at the Pilcrow Lit Fest and editing Thank You, Death Robot
to write a story that prominently features ham. I'd also like
to welcome Leah Erickson, Sasha Janel McBrayer, Jon McRae, Jason
D. Moore, Jennifer Shumate, and Cavan Terrill, who make their
debuts on Silverthought with short fiction that runs the gamut
from travel guides to DOD reports, from junk mail to wooden fish,
and from a hole in the ground to, well, the most vomit I've ever
found in the slushpile. Prospective submitters take note: the
work presented in this update is some of the best we've seen on
ST. It embodies the contemplative, challenging, and sometimes
downright bizarre material we're looking for.
happy to report that ST's print division is finalizing our Summer
2009 releases, Thank You, Death Robot, edited by Mark R.
Brand, Affluenza, by David LaBounty, and Horror House
Detective by Michael Gold. Stay tuned for pre-order information
and for first looks at excerpts and covers. With just over eight
thousand publishing queries since we opened for print submissions
again in January, response time has slowed. I'm finding some gems
among the hundreds of Twilight clones, and if one of those
gems is yours, you'll be hearing from me. But no more vampire
novels, please. Just please.
on a final staff development note, drop by the forum and say hello
to Silverthought's summer intern, Intern Andy. What? you
say. Silverthought has a summer intern? That's what I said
too. This is a cool development for a company whose corporate
headquarters contains more woodchucks than human beings.
back soon for news about further site improvements, more social
networking crap, our shiny new ST Book Club, and maybe even some
good old fashioned dead tree reading.