N O W   A V A I L A B L E :

The Department of Off World Affairs
by Russell Lutz
Publisher: Silverthought Press

ISBN-10: 0-9815191-7-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-9815191-7-3 

488 pages

hardcover: $22.99 $24.99 + S/H

details | read excerpts: Heliopause | Junior | discuss

C O N T E S T :

N O V E L   E X C E R P T S :

by Russell Lutz
two excerpts from The Department of Off World Affairs
, available 01 October 2008 from Silverthought Press
novel details | discuss


S E R I A L   F I C T I O N :

S H O R T   F I C T I O N :

by Jeff Baker
Knowledgeable in what lay on the other side in that great undiscovered country, a dying man closes his eyes for the last time then opens them for the first.
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by Dan Devine
A captured soldier struggles to resist the evils of dark magic.

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by Thomas Henry Dylan
The day is coming when you will realise just how worthless you really are.
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by Joseph Hirsch
A man suffering from an undisclosed sexual malady pays a visit to Priapus, Inc., a clinic known for curing deviancy through an unconventional therapy.
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by Andrew Murphy
Another consciousness begins bleeding into a young man's waking life, and he fears he will lose control.
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by Joel Van Valin
Ships go down, by sea or air or void. In the case of the Finlander, it was the abject blackest patch of space imaginable.
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C O M I N G   S O O N :

  • ST Print: The Department of Off World Affairs by Russell Lutz

P R E V I O U S  U P D A T E S :


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