print.silverthought.com: submissions
G E N E R A L S U B M I S S I O N G U I D E L I N E S Effective 10-2014: Silverthought Press is NOT currently accepting unsolicited novel, novella, short story, or anthology submissions at this time. We will post all updates about the reopening of unsolicited submissions to this page.
ABOUT OUR PRINT DIVISION: The print publishing division of Silverthought Press seeks submissions of quality novels and novellas in the genre of speculative fiction. Transgressive/literary fiction manuscripts will be forwarded to our Offense Mechanisms imprint. Silverthought typically publishes 3-5 books/year, but we have a rolling submissions policy. If you would like to submit your full manuscript or a representative sample of the work to Silverthought Press, please send a query through the Silverthought submission manager. Due to rampant spam and disregard for our submission guidelines, we have discontinued the queries@silverthought.com email address and will no longer monitor that account. In addition, we will no longer accept printed manuscript submissions. All unsolicited submissions must be uploaded through our online submission manager. PLEASE NOTE:
submitting your manuscript, please allow 6-12 months for an evaluation
of your work. Response time is generally much shorter, but unforeseen
circumstances, slushpile backlog, or consultation among the
editorial staff may necessitate a longer evaluation. All submissions are held in the strictest confidence by the
Silverthought staff. We read each query and manuscript, but
due to the number of submissions, we do not send personalized responses to writers
whose manuscripts do not currently meet our needs. If you do
not receive a reply to your query after 12 months, please consider
your manuscript rejected. Emails requesting updates on the status
of a submission will be ignored. Sorry to be a bastard about
this, but the slushpile is a deep and unforgiving abyss.
T E C H N I C A L S U B M I S S I O N G U I D E L I N E S Times New Roman 12 is preferred. Manuscripts in Courier will most likely be ignored, as will any manuscripts that feature vampires, magic, dragons, wizards, or unicorns, even though Paul Hughes absolutely loves unicorns. You may upload digital manuscripts in .pdf, .doc, .docx, .txt, .rtf, .wpf, or .odt format. Please include the following information with your query:
You will receive automatic confirmation from the submission manager upon successful upload of your manuscript.