Michael Gold lives in New York City with his family. In 2009, Silverthought released his first novel, Horror House Detective, and that year his essay "The Heat Is Always On" appeared in the climate change anthology Thoreau's Legacy: American Stories about Global Warming, published by Penguin Classics.



S I L V E R T H O U G H T  P R E S S
   independent publisher of speculative fiction


a novel by


read excerpt: excerpt 01

“Will it please God that I die?”
“Yes, son. It will please God.”

Alienated from virtually everything that surrounds him, Akeyde Kletser has to decide if he is willing to commit suicide—and take hundreds of others with him—for the sake of his religion and his tribe. His father urges him on, citing their religion’s holy texts. They worship the Zan religion, founded 6,000 years earlier by a father who killed his son because God asked him to do so.

The Zans’ blood enemy, the Kawidtodians, have been killing the Zans for centuries. They’ve evicted the Zans from their holy land. But now they’re migrating from Kawidtodia to America. Akeyde’s father wants revenge. Akeyde is given a suicide vest and a windbreaker to carry out the mission. He’s trained to be a perfect weapon of mass murder... Except he’s not.

Razvarr Abatut, a Kawidtodian immigrant to America, is also having a little trouble fitting in. He wants to go back to his country, but a police state stands in his way. So he plans a violent strike at the heart of the regime, even though he’s thousands of miles away from Kawidtodia

Akeyde and Razvarr will smash into each other, even though neither of them knows it.

Suicide Sons is a story about whether a man should kill others in the name of his religion.

by Michael Gold

Publisher: Silverthought Press
ISBN: 978-0-9841738-8-4
388 pages
trade paperback: $9.99 $8.99
+ S/H



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